Jujutsu Kaisen Event Review – Aeon Mall Collaboration – Part 1 – Quiz Rally Giveaway ‘PVC Charm’ Key Fobs

It’s all systems go for Shueisha and Toho in promoting the upcoming film ‘Jujutsu Kaisen 0.’ Every promo event imaginable is underway in Japan – in fact, there are so many of them I’m overwhelmed with having to make decisions. Which ones to attend? Which ones to pass up? I suppose a good way to start is with the free ones, where they just give away presents without requiring you to shell out anything. 

(English continued after Japanese)

イオンモールx呪術廻戦コラボキャンペーンに参加しました!クイズに答えて景品をもらえるイベントですが、クイズ内容が微笑ましく楽しいイベントでした☺️ ゲットしたチャームは乙骨&夏油で嬉しかった? 第2弾、第3弾も行きます!

Choosing an Aeon Mall

Aeon Mall is a chain with more than 160 malls in Japan. (Also just found out they have a bunch in other Asian countries for a grand total of more than 200 malls.) I think I visit one or two at least once a month. They’re very convenient in that they’re, well, malls, and malls have (almost) everything under one roof. Nice to spend time in, especially when it’s raining!

Not your typical Aeon mall, but still part of the chain

For this Aeon Mall x Jujutsu Kaisen 0 collaboration, I chose Yokohama World Porters, a few minutes walk from Sakuragicho train station along the Keihin Tohoku line. Aside from being in one of the prettiest cities in the country, this mall is home to a rare Hamleys Japan.

A Hamleys store in Japan

Hamleys, the oldest toy shop in the world, is a British company that began in London in 1760. It has stores around the world these days, but only two in Japan: one in Yokohama, a port city close to Tokyo, and one in Fukuoka down south in Kyushu.  As a child I’ve always loved Hamleys, and always enjoyed looking at the toys there even if I didn’t get to buy a thing.

Shop Customizable Products on Zazzle

Joining the Quiz Game

Panel with the quiz code

Anyway, Hamleys aside, a friend and I met up at Yokohama World Porters and got on with the JJK quiz. There was no need to download an app or anything, all we had to do was go to each of the floors with JJK panels, scan a QR code and answer 3 questions in total.

Correct! says Gojo-sensei

Gojo-sensei, of course, is the one who checks the answers. Isn’t he adorable? The screenshot above has a red circle meaning ‘correct’, the equivalent of a check mark in other countries.

Another panel, another question

We go up another floor and scan the QR code. Questions are quite hilarious, really! They’re all primary school level so any school-aged child who has watched the anime will be able to answer them. 

All correct! I added the Oh Yeah, Yasss and Excellent stickers to the screenshot above. Real screen doesn’t have them.

After three questions on three floors, we get a ‘Congratulations’ screen. All we need to do now is go up to the fifth floor* to get the giveaways.

Shop Customizable Gifts on Zazzle

*I’m describing what we did at World Porters; other malls will have different setups.

Giveaway Plastic Key Fobs

Posters for the JJK 0 film

On our way we see a set of gorgeous posters for the JJK 0 film. How beautiful they are! I wish I could have this exact same arrangement in my room!

An Aeon Cinema store

Turns out the giveaway counter is within the Aeon Cinema complex. It’s morning on a Saturday so there weren’t that many people yet.

Adorable Yuta and Suguru

We line up at the gift shop, show our screens and get one randomly-distributed silver-wrapped key fob each, called ‘PVC charm’ in Japan. I was hoping for Yuta Okkotsu and got Suguru Geto, while my friend wanted Gojo but got Yuta instead. She didn’t care for the other two so she gave me hers! They’re made of a soft kind of plastic.

Mall logo at the back

Now I have Yuta and Geto cutsey key fobs perfect for decorating bags, I guess. My key holder already has too many trinkets hanging from it, so I’ll have to think of some other place to hang them on. 

Shop Customizable Products on Zazzle

Aeon Cinema Gift Shop

Let’s have a look at what they have at the gift shop!

All kinds of JJK merch
File folders and pinback buttons
Collectible cards and key chains on top, Sanrio collab merch at the bottom
Spoons, multi-purpose cloth, lunch boxes, cups…
Super cute mini water bottles and chopstick cases

Nice, eh? I’m thinking of buying a few of the spoons. Why, though? Who wants to put their fav characters in their mouth? Hmm… xD

More Giveaways Ahead

That’s it for our look at Part 1 of the Aeon Mall x Jujutsu Kaisen collab event. These pics were taken on December 4, 2022. From the look of things, there weren’t that many people at all participating in the quiz, so I think there’s still plenty of time for those in the country who haven’t gone yet. Some Aeon malls are not participating in this collab, though, so make sure to check the list before going.

With free mini poster

Here’s the schedule for giveaways:

  • December 3 to 24 – key fobs (PVC charms)
  • December 25 to January 5 – die-cut stickers
  • January 15 to 31 – acrylic stand figures

I’m sure everyone will want the acrylic figurines so it’s next year that’ll be busy.

Shop Customizable Gifts on Zazzle

Getting Hold of the Giveaways

For those who can’t make it to an Aeon mall, there’s always the online flea markets. Here’s the Mercari listing for this event.

If you live overseas, one way to get a hold of the products you see above is to use a proxy shopper that ships worldwide. See my Shopper’s Guide for details.

Search keyphrase:

呪術廻戦 イオンモール

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